Manuel Delgado Meroño

Senior Policy Advisor – Employment & Social Affairs, Copa-Cogeca 

Manuel Delgado is the employment and social affairs senior policy advisor of COPA-COGECA, the united voice of farmers and agri-cooperatives in the European Union. COPA-COGECA represents over 20 million farmers and their families and 22.000 agri-cooperatives to promote the best interest of the farming community among the EU institutions and other relevant stakeholders. He additionally is the political secretary of GEOPA, the Employers’ Group of Professional Agricultural Organisations in the European Union and Sectoral Social Partner in Agriculture. Manuel previously worked at the European Parliament from 2017 to 2019 for the Vice-President in charge of institutional communications and was also involved in the AGRI and REGI committees. He holds a double bachelor’s degree in Law and Political Science, a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, and two MAs in International Relations and European Political Studies.