Sabina Ciofu
Head of EU Trade Policy, TechUK
Sabina Ciofu works as Head of EU and Trade Policy for techUK, the largest trade association for tech businesses in the United Kingdom. Splitting her time between London and Brussels, she covers a wide range of policy issues, ranging from the EU tech agenda to the ongoing international trade negotiations. Prior to this, she worked as Policy Advisor in the European Parliament for almost a decade, where she focused on EU tech regulation, international trade and EU-US relations. Sabina is the founder of the Gentlewomen’s Club, co-organiser of the Young Professionals in Digital Policy and a member of the Global Shapers Brussels Hub, where she has led several youth civic engagement and gender equality projects. She sits on the Advisory Board of the UCL European Institute and The Nine, Brussels’ first members-only club designed for women. Sabina holds an MA in War Studies from King’s College London and a BA in Classics from the University of Cambridge.