Harnessing Power from Within

For a true leader, facing challenges head-on is not just about personal growth, but also about setting an example and guiding others through the storm with courage and grace. I've faced my share of challenges, and let's be real, the world isn’t always on our side. But every challenge, every obstacle, offers a lesson in strength, resilience, and leadership. Here's my take on standing up to hardship and leading through difficulties.

First of all, don’t be afraid to embrace your vulnerability; it is not a sign of weakness but rather a gateway to genuine connections and support. As a young woman navigating through the ups and downs, there is potency in allowing myself to be seen, to share my struggles without the fear of judgment, and to open up about the difficulties that at times seem insurmountable. Vulnerability helps create a safe space, not just for myself but for those around me, fostering a culture where emotional honesty isn’t just accepted, but celebrated.
This safe space is of course within a strong support system. Isolation is a silent adversary, especially during hard times. The alumnae of ELA (and not only!) can leverage this network of amazing young leaders that can become a solid ground for them. The Schools and the intense experience has made us grow close and cultivate strong relationships. Us girls always have each other’s back.

The mastermind behind the entire European Leadership Academy, Berta, shared a piece of advice with me that I will never forget. “You must take care of yourself first; you cannot pour from an empty cup.” If you try to do so, despite your good intentions, you will (rather sooner than later) start burning out and the recovery can be lengthy. When you regularly replenish your "cup" through self-care practices — be it through rest, relaxation, hobbies, or seeking support — you're better equipped to offer help, support, and love to others. You're more present, more patient, and more effective in whatever roles you play in the lives of those around you.

And this is especially important if you want to lead with empathy. Empathy is the cornerstone of compassionate leadership. It’s about feeling with people, understanding their worlds, and recognising their struggles. To lead with empathy is to nurture an environment where individuals feel seen, heard, and valued. It encourages a culture where team members can approach their leader without hesitation, fostering a workspace where mutual respect and support are ingrained in the fabric of the team.

My journey through challenges is as much about lifting up others as it is about evolving myself. It's a journey where our hardships, though daunting, carve out our most authentic, resilient selves. And in this, we find not just the ability to survive our challenges, but to thrive amidst them, creating a path that, in its adversity, is beautifully ours.